Building New Credit 

Building New Credit is easy and with a little help you can quickly build a good Credit Score.  I have laid out steps for people in different situations below.

Life is way easier with good credit.  It will be difficult to get approved for loans, credit cards, car loans, home loans, rental apartments, utilities with no credit history.  

The three major credit bureaus that keep track of your credit history are Equifax, Experian, andTransUnion.

These credit reporting agencies gather information about your credit accounts, payment history, and other financial activities to create credit reports, which are then used by lenders, landlords, and other organizations to determine your creditworthiness.  They are the keepers of your credit history.

Building New Credit for my 18 Year Old Nephew

Building New Credit for my 50 year old Friend

Rebuilding New Credit for a 45 Year Old Divorcee

Some of My Credit Mistakes

Steps to Building New Credit:

It's important to remember that building credit takes time and patience.  With what you have learned now is the time to start establishing a great credit history and building your credit score.